Classificação linear de bovinos: criação de um modelo de decisão baseado na conformação de tipo “true type” como auxiliar a tomada de decisão na seleção de bovinos leiteiros
The selection of dairy cattle through the use of the rating system with linear type traits, reflected in increased production, the productive life of the animal, the standardization of the flock, among others. This operational research obtained their information through library research and basic analysis of actual ratings data. This study aimed to generate a dairy cattle classification model based on "true type" to assist the evaluators in the processing and analysis of data, helping in decision making and the selection of the cow to milk fitness, making the data safe for future reference. In this research, applies computational methods to the classification of dairy cows by using data mining and fuzzy logic. Therefore, we conducted the analysis on a data base with 144 animals records classified between good and excellent categories. Analysis is made with the use of WEKA tool for extraction of association rules with Apriori algorithm, using as objective metrics, support / confidence and lift to determine the degree of dependency rule. To create the decision model with fuzzy logic, it was made use of R using the tool sets package. Through the results obtained in the mining rules, it was possible to identify the relevant rules with confidence classification model above 90%, indicating that the characteristics assessed (antecedent) imply other characteristics (consequent), with a high confidence. As for the results obtained by the fuzzy decision model, it is observed that the classification model based on subjective assessments is susceptible to misclassification, suggesting then the use of results obtained by association rules as a way to aid goal in the final classification cow for dairy fitnessIFTO - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins