Melhoria de processos em uma central de abastecimento farmacêutico: uma pesquisa-ação á luz do lean healthcare
Continuous Improvement Programs are constantly carried out in organizations. In the health sector, the Lean Healthcare is presented as a subject that is gaining importance in the area of process improvement, to eliminate waste, reduce costs and improve productivity for better patient care. This study promotes improvement actions based on the principles and techniques of Lean Healthcare in the processes of a Pharmaceutical Supply Center (CAF) of a Brazilian reference hospital, identifying the existing losses in the process and proposing actions to mitigate them. The action research proposed solutions to the problems identified in the flows of CAF, with active co-participation of the researcher and field employees. Using value stream mapping, mechanism of the production function and concepts of Lean wastes, it was possible to identify existing losses in the process. And with the implementation of 5 S, Kanban and eliminating activities that do not add value to the processes these wastes were mitigated. The main results were inventory reduction, on average, 46% of the number of units in inpatient units and the elimination of 97 working days per year of an employee excluding rework activities during labeling materials and medicines.Nenhuma