Estratégias de humanização em uma unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital privado do município de Caxias do Sul – RS
The humanization in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a widely debated issue and the experiences lived in this unit show the lack of preparation by the multidisciplinary team to treat the family as a unit of care and the shortage of humanizing practices in the assistance. To develop humanization strategies and reveal the perspective of the family and the multidisciplinary team the concept of humanization. Observational, descriptive and exploratory study, with mixed approach. The interviews were conducted in an adult ICU of a private hospital in the city of Caxias do Sul-RS, in the period of January to June 2016, based on the following guiding questions: "considering the lived experience, what does it mean humanize in an ICU?"and " what are your suggestions to make the ICU more humanized?". The analysis of the data obtained through these questions pointed to fundamental aspects of assistance for the critical patient. Considering the conception of humanization, both groups related the empathy, reception and respect to the individuality of the patient as essential for a humanized assistance. As for suggestions, the multidisciplinary team outlined the communication, team training, working conditions and the strengthening of the staff / patient / family relationship. From these suggestions, two were also mentioned by family members of the hospitalized patients: communication and staff training for uniformity of processes. Some strategies were prepared over the data obtained: the reorganization of the systematic of attendance to the relative in the visit, the flexibility and extended visit after evaluation of the multidisciplinary team, the time of the information, the implementation of a hospital working group and conversation circles for employees. The humanization is something intrinsic, given our condition as humans, but currently, the work processes of healthcare institutions are still focused only to procedures, protocols and focused on the biomedical model which causes gaps between the humanization and the practice.Nenhuma