A inclusão do usuário no processo de codesign como forma de aprimorar o projeto de informação
The present study investigates the information design process through infographics, in order to understand how user involvement and expression can optimize the process. We examine how, through codesign, information designers and users can design an infographic that successfully eliminates gaps in user understanding of technical content. Using an action research methodology involving designers, users and authors in a cocreative approach, a workshop and in-depth interviews were conducted to serve as an arena for the development of a prototype infographic. Based on the results obtained in these settings, we discuss the main findings regarding user insertion and improvement of the design methodology by analyzing the active role of users in the infographic design process, the role of designers in conveying their impressions about users, and the role of the infographic as an information design tool. This assessment identifies the positive contribution of codesign to the design as a whole, such as the user’s ability to create shortcuts and optimize processes. We also address the skills of designers and structural aspects of the infographic in order to justify the cocreative approach as a means of optimizing information.Nenhuma