The CrossFit is a specialized and intense sport that aims to improve each of the ten recognized physical capabilities of fitness. This research was aimed to describe the nutritional profile, anthropometric and physical capacity of CrossFit practitioners of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The participants underwent anthropometric measurements of physical fitness and motor performance test levels, as well as dietary profile. The sample was composed of 20 CrossFit practitioners, male, where it was found the prevalence of low bone mass (52.9%), low intake of carbohydrates and high protein intake in the nutritional profile, in physical fitness
tests the majority of participants obtained the average rating in the flexibility test, and the strength test of the lower limbs was observed that the average amount of weight lifted in exercise deadlift was close to that found in a study with the same modality practitioners. It can be concluded that are evaluated according to the standards of health. The dietary profile among practitioners demonstrated a high protein intake and a low consumption of carbohydrates according to the recommendation for physical activity practitioners. With regard to flexibility, there was an average level of assessed and assessing the strength of the lower limbs there was a parity compared to a similar study.