This article is subject to inclusion of adult students with Asperger Syndrome (SA) in higher education. The objective, sought to understand the process of inclusion adults with SA in a higher education institution (IES) from the perspective of the student and his family, as well as teachers, social worker and psychologist at the IES. Family and socio-economic context of these students and their relationship and your family with professional IES was characterized. We conducted a study of exploratory and transversal, with delineation of multiple case studies. Participated in two adults with SA, male, aged between 18 and 20 years, enrolled in a private institution, located in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre -RS, as well as parents, teachers, social worker and psychologist at the IES. Like a collection instrument we used semi-structured interviews. The qualitative content analysis, from the method of theoretical propositions, revealed that the prospect of completion of higher education, as well as the fraternal relations has different meanings for families. Also noted the need for qualification of teachers regarding the inclusion and that the relationship between the family and the IES exists, but needs to be encouraged. It is believed that this study allowed for a better understanding of the inclusion of the adult with SA through the eyes of those involved in this process.