Toanalyze the roleof thenurse in the preventionand treatmentof pressure ulcerswith an emphasis onnutritional therapy.Method: literature reviewby searchingthe databasesPubMed, LILACS and SciELO, whichincludeditemsoutside thebasedatabase PubMed, LILACS and SciELO, which included articles out of the database and book chapters written by experts in the field of nutrition and pressure ulcers in last ten years. Data were analyzed through four sequential stages: exploratory, selective, analytical and interpretative; Results:werepresentadastwo categories: 1The roleof the nurse inMultidisciplinaryNutritional Therapy(EMTN) 2 Therole of nurses inNutritionalCareinMedical ConditionsInvolvingthe ProcessCicatricial: 2.1Careandgastrostomy, 2.2Nutritional TherapyforBurns. Conlusions: the nurse has specific responsibilities within the EMTN, explained the rules and procedures of the law, playing a key role, both in the hospital as an outpatient or home. With regard to pressure ulcers, nutritional therapy plays an important role in the success of the treatment, the nurse being a professional core, especially when inserted in EMTN, evaluating and monitoring the TN. In this review the authors emphasize the importance of such care patients using percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy and burned.