Indicadores para qual sustentabilidade?: elementos teórico-metodológicos para a análise da eficiência multidimensional de empreendimentos econômicos solidários de reciclagem do Vale dos Sinos – RS
This dissertation discusses the efficiency of solidary economic enterprises of recycling, from the theoretical and methodological points of view, as well as from a systemic view, considering social, economic, political, environmental and human dimensions. Therefore, were used multidimensional indicators based on the national mapping of solidarity economy (Gaiger and Ecosol Group, 2014), the indicators of degraded areas recovery program (PIRAD) with Ferrarini (2008), theoretical and methodological reflections indicators on sustainability in the field of solidarity economy, (Kraychete and Carvalho, 2012), and the method called Multidimensional Efficiency of Recycling Cooperatives Index (MERCI) prepared by the agglutination simple indicators referred to the same dimension or different ones. The research consists of a qualitative and quantitative study, of exploratory and descriptive nature, whose data were produced by individual interviews, focus groups and participant observation. The selected projects were: Cooperativa de Trabalho e Renda (UNIVALE), Cooperativa de Limpeza Urbana Campo Bom (COOLABORE) and Cooperativa de Recicladores de Dois Irmãos (DOIS IRMÃOS), Rio Grande do Sul. Results show that the researched recycling developments are efficient by a multidimensional and systemic perspective and that even with specific problems of low education and rotation of leaders, cooperatives practice self-management, cooperation and solidarity among its members. These projects prioritize social inclusion and economic emancipation of cooperative participants, represent important areas of political struggle, generating a positive social and environmental impact to society and contribute to other forms of development.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior