Entre a disputa e a coprodução: heterogeneidades e transversalidades da circulação imagética midiatizada
The research is inserted in communication studies from a look at the processuality phenomenon of mediatization. Amid the profusion of images and imaginaries within the media society, it investigates the circulation process of institutional image. How does the Brazilian Army's image circulate during the peace process of the Complexo da Maré? This is the research problem, which has as its case the intermedia dispute over the construction of the Brazilian Army image during the peacekeeping operation of the Complexo da Maré, between the years 2014 and 2015 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In this clash of meanings, it has as main objectives to examine (and categorize) the heterogeneity of the productions of the instances of the canonical media, the mediatized social actors and the institution itself, and analyze (and represent schematically) the transversal relations between the actors involved and the circulating images. It follows with the analysis of the affectations of the mediatization of the dispute inferred preliminarily passing to reveal traces of the coproduction of images-product that manifest themselves as a result of interactions. From the remnants of these transversal relations, emerges another kind of affectation in the imagery processuality, something that is of symbolic order. Causing a real paradox, based on the valuation of few images through the productive diversity, the symbolic complexifies even more the analysis of mediatized imagery circulation. In the end, along with new heuristic hypotheses, it seeks to realize a synthesis image of the circulation process about the Army operations at Maré, with the verification of a possible strategic superiority in this dispute. Guided methodologically by the case construction, the evidentiary paradigm and the abductive argument within an accelerator machine of inferences based on the thinking by figures and anchored in an axis of reference encodings (mediatization and circulation) and competitive encodings (image and symbol), the research has as its challenge to unravel new issues pertaining to communication, from a rapprochement with the mediatization phenomenon focused on the impact of its processes in the circulation of images.Nenhuma