Um modelo para integração de informações de bases de dados abertos, com uso de ontologias
With the Law of Access to Information and sanctioned in force, access to information, at least at the federal, state and local levels, make it easy for citizens. The bases linked open data, facilitate the acquisition of these data, however there is a lack of resources for inference of relationship information. This work aims at the development of these resources to infer and relate this information in the context of Web applications integrated with open and connected databases. The prototype implemented used the data from government purchases that was stored in relational databases, using an ontology, developed specifically for this case, the data have been mapped and imported into a triplestore Apache Fuseki in RDF format, a Java EE application using Apache Jena framework, was developed to display data through methods that consulted using SPARQL. Three evaluations were applied in this prototype: scenario-based, usability and ontology. As result, it was found that the model implemented helped people to have a better experience when viewing linked data of government purchases with the federal budget.IFRR - Instituto Federal de Educação Ciências e Tecnologia de Roraima