HNS: uma solução para suporte à execução distribuída considerando aspectos da pervasividade
Over the last few years, we have observed the growing evolution of portable devices, such as new technologies for wireless communication. This technological advance makes possible the emergence of an ideal scenery for developing environments supporting the creation of pervasive applications. However, such a highly dynamic environment demands the use of more powerful abstractions than those available today. Holoparadigm proposes a new form of abstraction, created aiming distributed applications running on mobile environments. In the present dissertation, we propose an architecture for Holoparadigmdesigned to support pervasive applications. This proposal extends the functionalities of HoloVM and defines new services to respond to the demand of pervasive computing. Among those services, one is defined as essential to the architecture, the support for distribution, which is composed by a name server and a layer for supporting distributed and transparent execution of programs. For the name server, a scalable and fault tolerant distribution strategy is defined, following the principles of pervasive computing. Furthermore, we show the results of experiments performed using this support.HP - Hewlett-Packard Brasil Ltda