Modelagem e simulação da segmentação social com parâmetros individuais e de grupos competitivos
The study of multi-agents systems focus on systems that many autonomous agents interact between themselves. This kind of interaction has the intention of cooperation to achieve a common objective to all or to achieve individuals' objectives. Systems like those, don't translate only, the people social behavior. Those systems try to make part of the groups. Their behaviors results from their interactions with other agents and from imposed behaviors by the groups that they belong. Studies of group behaviors inside a population have applications like, preparation to marketing campaign for competitive products, tendencies analysis of electors in political campaigns. This work propose a model of individual interactions between agents, as well group interactions where agents don't lose entirely their individualities when inside a group. The interactions between those agents are modeled from a multi-agent system and the group interactions are modeled from di_erential equations that simulate competition between adapted groups.Nenhuma