As estratégias de uso do solo dos municípios na região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos para atração de empresas inovadoras: os casos dos parques tecnológicos Tecnosinos e Feevale Techpark
Martins, Cristina Maria dos Reis
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This work seeks to analyze the land-use strategies to attract innovative companies in the region of the Sinos River Valley, where technology parks Tecnosinos were implanted in Sao Leopoldo, and Feevale Techpark, which includes Valetec units in Campo Bom and Hamburgtec in Novo Hamburgo. It was adopted as the foundation for the research a theoretical model developed by Friedrich and Nam (2011, 2013), whose main arguments are: land-use planning creates opportunities and risks for the installation of industrial activities, and technology parks are a combination between land-use policy and industrial policy, which contributes to increasing the competitiveness of cities in attracting innovative high-tech companies. The main objective of this study is to analyze the land-use strategies adopted by the municipalities of São Leopoldo, Campo Bom and Novo Hamburgo, through a comparative analysis between them and their technology parks. Specifically seeks to: assess the degree of specialization of these municipalities in innovative-activities and traditional-activities in the region; the analysis of land-use planning in the municipalities; and the analysis of the characteristics of technology parks and Tecnosinos Feevale Techpark. The work was carried out through documentary and bibliographic-research and collection of statistical data with qualitative and descriptive analyzes. To check the degree of specialization of the municipalities the location quotients were calculated according to the methodology Isard (1956). To investigate land use strategies adopted by municipalities was conducted an analysis of municipal master plans and the process of constitution and development of technology parks in the study region. The results revealed that the implementation of technology parks in the region, in part, was an alternative to setting the local industrial agenda, given the wear on the leather-footwear industry. The implementation of technology parks also, to some extent, creates possibilities for changes in the local economic structure and conditions for maintaining economic growth, levels of employment and income in the region. Comparing the two studied parks, it was concluded that even evidenced competition between the municipalities to attract information technology companies, the parks have different structures, which lessen competition between them.Nenhuma