Planejamento sucessório de empresas familiares: uma análise de empresas de pequeno e médio porte sob a perspectiva do fundador
Family businesses represent 90% of the companies worldwide and so it is in Brazil. Only 30% keep alive on the second generation. Among the difficulties found for these companies is the succession plan. This plan impacts the management and especially the economic performance and governance of the companies, subject academically discussed on the search for answers and new models. The literature indicates four dimensions of this planning: CEO, Family, Property and Management/Company, being in this study, the company leader (CEO), the company founder. From these dimensions, it is possible to better understand the dynamism and complexity of the theme. In this context, the goal of this study is to investigate how small and medium sized family businesses plan their succession processes on the founder perspective. Particularly, to explore this question it was selected the first generation (founder) of family businesses in the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Based on this study it was possible to conclude that there is a tendency of not having a formal planning concerning the founder retirement, since the leadership to the property, the lack of space for the family to discuss the business succession, the difficulty to separate the company management from the property, the lack of corporate governance structures, the tendency of management professionalization , the high value gave to the descendants good educational formation, the lack of the succession plan incorporated in the companies routines and the descendants will to succeed more related to property than to leadership. It brings some directions to the succession plan improvement on the family businesses studied. These directions are based on the four dimensions Founder, Family, Property and Management/Company.Nenhuma