Eu não quero ser a mulher saliente! Eu prefiro ser a Isabella Swan! Apropriações das identidades femininas por crianças na recepção midiática
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Queiroz, Marta Maria Azevedo
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With this work, we aimed to analyze the appropriations and the meanings produced by children on women's identities in media reception. The investigation participants were 17 children between 09-13 years of age. In the production process of empirical research, we use some techniques such as the production of drawings, written production, questionnaire, the selection of images on the Internet and speech explained the wheels of conversation. We use this approach to qualitative research, which allowed taking into account the diversity of appropriations and meanings produced by children. The data produced by them are organized into categories for analysis, which focused around women / people celebrities versus ordinary people; beautiful vs. not beautiful (ugly); demure, fragile, delicate versus salient, vulgar, displayed, girls, hot babes; and workers, mothers, companion, generous versus professional, stylish, studious, intelligent. In seeking to understand the mechanisms of social construction of women's identities and their relationship with the media, dialogue with authors such as Laurel (1997, 2007), Fischer (2001, 2002); García Canclini (2009, 2010), Hall (1997, 2005); Giddens (2002); Orozco Gomez (2011, 2012), Martin-Barbero (2009), Silverstone (2002), among others. The results of this research indicated a strong media presence in children's lives, this defining presence, along the family, their feminine identities. Models women / people they approached are white, thin, blonde, modest, hardworking, gentle, not protruding, rich and famous, and turned away from the black, fat, bulging, vulgar, poor, hot. Hegemonic models are accepted or rejected in the context of Brazilian society, but are produced and aired by the media. They penetrate the child's imagination and shape social identities and subjectivities in our time. At the same time, children use such models and concepts and the question when confronted on the wheels of conversation, advancing critically in relation to the choices made in the process of research. We believe, therefore, that children need to be educated to live equally with differences, criticizing and facing any situations of domination, exploitation and denial of their rights.Nenhuma