Pacto nacional pela alfabetização na idade certa (PNAIC): os processos avaliativos no 1º ano do ensino fundamental de nove anos
This paper presents an analysis of the National Pact for Literacy at the Correct Age (PNAIC) for continuing education in Portuguese developed in 2013 in the public schools of a municipal network. The work focused on the evaluation practices of literacy teachers of a city in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, participants of this training. As_references, research from the following authors was used: Emilia Ferreiro, Maria Teresa Esteban, Cipriano Luckesi, among others. To develop the analytical exercise, I sought to understand how the continuing education progressed with respect to the classification of the evaluation procedures of school learning for the 1st Elementary School Year Nine Years. The selected methodology was content analysis, based on Laurence Bardin and Maria Laura Franco’s methods, and was developed using ballot tabulation of training books in Portuguese for the 1st year of primary school, and questionnaires and interviews with literacy teachers. From the content analysis, we acted over the materials and extracted some meaning cores: evaluation and inclusion diagnostic evaluation and planning; impact of the pact on teaching practice.Based on the results, we propose a project of intervention with the title: giving new meaning to the evaluation process of learning in literacy.Nenhuma