Inter-relações entre as políticas educacionais, o trabalho docente e a qualidade da educação em uma escola pública municipal de Canoas/RS
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Marcello, Juliana Cabistany
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This paper is the result of a research funded by the “Projeto Núcleo em Rede Indicadores de Qualidade e Gestão Democrática do Observatório de Educação –CAPES / INEP” and is part of the discussions about the current educational policies in Brazil from the 1990s on. It draws on the consequences of educational policies on the quality of education in Brazilian public schools. It states that quality education is the acquisition of skills and competences as well as the effective acquisition of knowledge culturally constructed by mankind. The study how school teachers are receiving , interpreting and reacomodando current educational policies during their professional practices within the school in search of clues about the interference of this dialogical process of perception and readings about the quality of education offered there . It aims to understand how the school teachers investigated are receiving , interpreting and reacomodando current educational policies during their professional practices within the school in order to know some aspects of the interference of this dialogical process of perception and readings about the quality of education there offered. Thus, this paper analyzes the elements involved in the evaluation and decision-making on passing or failing students in the light of educational policies that have been promoted by federal entities and their impact on the quality of public education. A qualitative and enthnographic study case was carried out in which school teachers from 1th to 5th grade were interviewed with reflective questions. Its main results is the perception that the subjects investigated have negotiated understandings of educational policies, taking advantage of the contradictions that they present to maintain an ethical commitment on their jobs as teachers and strive for a social quality education, which not only allows acquiring scientific knowledge and prepare for work, but also has an emancipatory perspective both from a political viewpoint of conscious citizenship and the socioeconomic empowerment to the working classes.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior