A produção da vida nua no patamar de (in)distinção entre direito e violência: a gramática dos imigrantes como “sujeitos de risco” e a necessidade de arrostar a mixofobia por meio da profanação em busca da comunidade que vem
The Penal Law, elected as a privileged instrument to deal with the irregular immigration on the part of countries in which such phenomenon is more evident –in the present research, the case of Spain is highlighted - , which experiences a moment of expansion, that derives from a “mix phobia” or fear of getting mixed originated from the construction of illegal immigrants as “subjects of risk”. This stereotype comes from some main factors like: the crisis on the Estate model of welfare, which transforms the immigrants into “parasites” of the social benefits designated to the autochthons, the influence of the mass media on creating the social panic regarding some topics related to security, and the reflexes of the discourse of the media in politics, particularly after the terrorist attacks occurred in large urban centers in the beginning of the millennium. It allows the affirmation that the Spanish Penal Law, that expands itself in terms of quantity to respond effectively to the new social problems of today – among which, the matter of irregular immigration assumes more and more relevance – faces a backward movement in terms of quality, once it assumes trends strongly connected to a model of Penal Law of author, based on punitive measures highly reprimanding and segregationist towards the immigrants, leaving as evidence by the diffusion of penal types that argue in favor of the exclusion (deportation) of this target audience instead of its integration , as well as by the lack of solidarity. The work of Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben, in this direction, is used for comprehending how the life of the immigrant - particularly those that find themselves in irregular situation – converts itself in “naked” life in a biopolitical environment in which the state of exception becomes the dominant paradigm of govern. This analysis aims at understanding the (mis)conceptions of Brazilian migratory policies. Brazil, as one of the most important economies in the world, starts attracting the attention of the foreigners – especially due to the closed European frontiers. However, recent situations involving immigration in Brazilian territory show that the country has been adopting an authoritarian safety policy, responsible for changing the immigrant into homo sacer. In this sense, the Spanish experience can work as a “negative” parameter for the comprehension of the theme of immigration in Brazil, so that, influences coming from a model of mix phobia can be avoided. Still, it is questioned if the logic of human rights subjacent to the construction of the Democratic Estates of Law and the detailed regulatory marks related to the topic of immigration effectively work, or if they reflect the main source for producing the naked life. The proposal of agambenian profanation is then brought as a condition to the possibility for a new perspective of analysis of the matter.Nenhuma