Sujeito, (bio)poder e criação jurídica
Submerged in a world of uncertainty and doubt, the human being shall be greater aversion to infinity and that includes what is contemplated by him. Continuing to the understanding of this study, it is noted that each of us is unique, and the knowledge that arises is pushed in on the likes of the law not as a means of breaking chains, but , somehow , as a debasement of the biological nature man. Standardize is not the answer to the questions that emerge. The importance of this study is an understanding that the right is created moment by moment. Unveiling legal science not as a fixed entity, rather as infinite power. It is against the above facts it seeks to draw from the individual sphere, an overview of the subject and the relational nature of their existence. With doubts and castrations, ie, that which covers and is, in one way or another, a targeted body; indissoluble unity of the innermost character of being: his own existence and the lines on which the legal science is inserted. Forward, the legal creation is the key concept to delineate and show how the dynamics of the unit can be a determining factor in the construction and power of the legal space. Judgments are not limitations of rationality and perceptions that motivate such judgments does not; are, instead, conditions of possibility. Thus appear savvy and management issues such forehead science who question the factors. Clinical law prostrates in a perceptive - experiential - operational position that haunts him, throws him away from the port that was stung. The concepts developed dare make eyes to different questions in order to allow an approach to the development of the law and one who operates a legal science. The story holds the truth about science, but in its operation and its capabilities is the person that sow their potentials. Play the game seriously is a model to hide ignorance: finish the game is to realize that before our pale reason retreats every dimension of possibility of the legal universe.Nenhuma