A razoável duração do processo na era das metas de produtividade do conselho nacional de justiça brasileiro
Bemvenuti, Cássio Schneider
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Observe the history of changes of state models since the formation of the Liberal State Classic French until the emergence of a democratic state in the West. The genealogy of state organizations in the West during this historical period and the positiveness of Fundamental Rights emerged from various social revolutions devoted a series of guarantees to citizens in the face of State Power, mainly from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Established this itinerary models of state is analyzed in a second moment, Brazil's inclusion on the list of Democratic States Law of the West since the enactment of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil 1988. A number of fundamental rights and guarantees established by the Brazilian constitutional framework will govern the Jurisdiction and Procedure. In this paradigm, the end of the twentieth century and the dawn of the twenty-first century, the Brazilian Democratic State is faced with the explosion of globalization of economic and social relations enhanced by tools like personal computer and the Internet. Several phenomena are identified in this clash between the classic function of the state and a new paradigm globalized world. It is under this aspect that is observed in a third time the relationship between time, Jurisdiction and Civil Procedure, referring to the emergence Democratic State of Law and the Brazilian Constitutional Amendment No. 45 which established the constitutional guarantee of reasonable duration of the process and created the board national justice, administrative body responsible for establishing productivity targets for the judges and the courts in order to reduce the length of court proceedings , giving more speed to the processing thereof.Nenhuma