A comemoração do sesquicentenário da Revolução Farroupilha: mediações de uma memória farroupilha
The commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Farroupilha Revolution (1835-1985) was an official initiative of the State Government of Rio Grande do Sul designed two years before its completion. For the event all spheres of the state society were responsible for carrying out activities allusive to Farroupilha Revolution in the course of 150 years of historical fact. It was considered then the celebration as a political act of creation / maintenance of a collective memory that corroborated with the current status quo. Our thinking to base in Ozouf (1988) and Arruda (1999) with regard to the concepts party and commemoration. Candau (2012) and Ricouer (2007), among others, were used in the construction of the concept of memory. From this theoretical construction set out to study the commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Farroupilha Revolution, trying to verify it some aspects that stood out in the festivities, which was corroborated by documentation examined. To achieve our goals draw on qualitative research from primary sources and conducting a literature review on the topic. Then deepen the official celebration, which in this work proved to be the party of farroupilha memory. A memory built yet in the 1930s (GUTFREIND, 1999), subject to manipulation and, we argue in the dissertation, a representative building of the symbolic power of the state society reused in 1985 (BOURDIEU, 1989; HOBSBAWM, 1997). Three aspects of the celebration were analyzed for science terms the scope of the same: the historiography of Farroupilha theme produced in the course of 1985; of tenders for teaching about the Farroupilha Revolution in Rio Grande do Sul and the media coverage of the event. Our research indicated that there was a split in the historiography approach to Farroupilha Revolution between official history and academic history. As for the commemoration of the education appropriations were in line with the official celebration, as it was it organized. And the state's press, represented here by the newspaper Zero Hora, showed a manipulation beyond the official mediation creating a positive self-representation of the RBS Group.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior