Laser scanner terrestre: uma ferramenta eficaz para medidas de estruturas geológicas em afloramentos
This study aimed to build a model to survey geological planar structures geometries by using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) technique, specifically with the Terrestrial Laser Scanner. The area chosen for the survey and application of the proposed method is located at Incopel basalt quarry, in the town of Estância Velha, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The study covered a field survey with the determinations of planes attitude using compass and clinometer and digital images using LIDAR. Three methods were used to compute the selected planes in the point cloud, namely: Three Points, Planar Regression, and Moment of Inertia analysis. The methods were evaluated and compared to traditional methods of measurement (compass and clinometer). The Three Point method is quick and simple to measure planar geological structures orientation; however, it does not have any tool for quality analysis. The Planar Regression method proves to be effective in calculating the orientation of planes and features a tool for analyzing the degree of fit to the calculated plane. The Moment of Inertia presents minor measurement differences compared to traditional methods, and provides degree of fit and reliability analysis to the calculated plane, proving to be an efficient tool for processing the orientation of planes from points.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior