A importância das dimensões competitivas na formação da estratégia de competição de empresas calçadistas do Vale do Sinos
This research aims to identify the competitive dimensions that underpin the operation of footwear cluster companies inserted in the Vale do Sinos (inputs companies, assembling and manufacturers/retailers), with operations in the domestic market and also has experience in exporting activity, to identify the competitive dimensions that underpin the operation of this studied group of companies, aiming and seeking competitive advantage in their respective markets before their competitors. The proposed method of research is a case study in multiple shoe manufacturers, inputs and raw materials companies. Backed by a theoreticion.al review involving the debate around concepts of operations strategy, structure and infrastructure production strategies in productive arrangements of the type and cluster size in the competitive business we understand the competitive dimensions that together are responsible for building strategies in manufacturing companies. Through interviews are identified which competitive dimensions and their relevance in the construction of the strategy of the analyzed companies, as a basis for understanding the dominant strategy in companies, which allows comparative analysis with the performance of the cluster, through triangulation with sector entities. The strategies found are classified, allowing identification of gaps. The issue from the standpoint of Production Engineering analyzes the fit between the marketing strategies and production strategies of these companies, allowing the identification of gaps. The results suggest actions to improve aspects of the competitiveness of enterprises and the cluster itself footwear searched. Thus, research can be seen as a management tool, useful as supporting decision making in relationships with corporate strategy and cluster.Nenhuma