O manejo do dinheiro pelo casal e suas implicações na qualidade conjugal
Money and its management are issues that have been gaining importance in academic research, considering the fact that money is an object present in several of our everyday relationships, and inevitably also present in marital relations. Accordingly, the items that make up this dissertation cover the topic of money, aiming to analyze the management of money for couples and investigate the relationship of managing money with marital quality. Participants in these studies 143 couples officially married or living together, residents of the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. The study used a quantitative approach, as instruments sociodemographic a questionnaire, a questionnaire of managing money, the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) and the Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS). The conflicts mentioned in the literature regarding the handling of money by couples, were not evident in this sample. However, it was found that, unlike previous studies, not only the shape with which couples handle money, but also the financial status of these were related to the conflict over money, since it was observed that the higher the income, the lower the possibility of financial infidelity (r = -0.131, p = 0.045). Furthermore, it was found that couples who maintained a system of shared management of money were those who had higher levels of marital quality. These couples also had a greater degree of happiness with the relationship and greater level of agreement about finances. The results of this study concur with previous studies, confirming that the management of money affects marital quality.Nenhuma