A relação entre o Customer Equity e o Shareholder Value: uma extensão do artigo Linking Customer and Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value
This dissertation aims to study the relationship between the metrics of Customer Equity (CE) and the Shareholder Value (SHV) using as a basis the theoretical model developed in article Linking Customer and Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based Valuation. Internal and External Drivers of Value of organizations were added to the model in order to explain variations in the CE as well as the allocation of marketing resources was studied in order to maximize the return on invested amounts. As results, the study of the allocation of marketing expenses underscored customer acquisition as a key strategy for maximizing to CE and, consequently, to SHV. Marketing expenses also showed a high negative impact on SHV, emphasizing the importance of their proper management for the companies. At this point, the Drivers of Value proved useful enabling the segmentation and identification of the most valuable customers for the company.Nenhuma