Diagnóstico ambiental de áreas de disposição de resíduos da construção e demolição em Porto Alegre
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Silva, Cristine Santos de Souza da
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In most Brazilian cities, the problems related to waste constructive activities is reality; it is common to several places with irregular arrangements of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW). In Porto Alegre, the city where this study was conducted, the situation is no different. Considering this problem, this study aimed to evaluate the environmentally disposal sites CDW in this capital, aiming to provide a diagnosis of the situation of the city with respect to the liabilities generated by this practice. The methodology for the research is based on survey data from the Department of Environment Porto Alegre (SMAM) as regular and irregular disposal areas CDW who received the intervention between January 2011 and June 2014, from the data obtained mapping the locations of disposal of CDW was performed. The disposal sites that have area greater than 1 hectare in 2014 were evaluated through environmentally tool of geographic information system, the very system of public information in the municipality of Porto Alegre and through field evaluations. The areas assessed were classified using environmental criteria based on the guidelines of the municipality PDDUA, laws and in bibliographic references. 42 points available from CDW were found in Porto Alegre, considering both regular and irregular areas within the stipulated period. Among the issues found, 9 underwent environmental assessment. According to the analysis of the evaluation criteria, only 4 areas can be considered adequate for the provision of CDW, 3 areas were considered vulnerable and 2 areas were classified as critical. It is hoped that the result of the diagnosis made in this paper may contribute to future studies and public policies aimed at remediation or adequacy of the areas evaluated disposal.Sinduscon - Novo Hamburgo