Ambiente móvel para otimização de desktop semântico
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Sesterheim, Guilherme Callegaro
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This work was developed aiming to improve the user experience in mobile devices’ desktop that uses Android operational system using context identification. The use contexts were identified through application use registers created during their utilization. For that, different techniques were used, such as to understand the device’s localization, and also to identify the related works in different problems found in different areas. To understand the device’s localization, different hardwares and the ways to interact with them were studied. Bluetooth, Wireless, GPS, NFC, Infrared and accelerometer hardware were searched and their interaction were tested to obtain and to store their information. Works related to the area were studied, finding since entire devices created specifically to identify the localization, and other ones created to change the application’s behavior we are used to use with the purpose of making it more specific. As result of this work, a functional prototype was created to enhance the user experience with his smartphone’s desktop. A more intelligent way to rearrange and to detach the desktop icons, and also to alert the user about the recommendation, was made to help him with his usual tasks.Nenhuma