Um sistema de codificação de vídeo para TV digital – SBTVD
In this work is developed a hybrid algorithm that simulates the behavior of the H.264/AVC video encoder/decoder, or simply H.264 video CODEC, used in the Brazilian System of Digital Television. The proposed algorithm intends to seek the best possible configuration of the six main parameters used for configuring the H.264 video CODEC. This problem is treated as a combinatorial optimization problem known as the Parties Selection Problem, which is classified as NP-Hard. The proposed hybrid algorithm, called Simulator Metaheuristcs applied to a CODEC (SMC), was developed based on two metaheuristics: Tabu Search and Genetic Algorithm. The six configuration parameters to be optimized by the SMC are the bit rate, frame rate, the parameters of quantization tables of type B, type I and type P and the amount of frames type B in a group of pictures (GOP - Group of Pictures).The first two parameters mentioned, work primarily on the quality of the video image while the other parameters act directly on the video compression. Experiments and tests were done using the video CODEC H.264 developed in Digital Convergence Platform IPTV/Digital TV Project (DigConv). DigConv Project. In the experiments the CODEC has its parameters set according to the results obtained by the SMC. Then, a video is encoded by the CODEC in order to analyze the video image quality and the video compression degree reached after the encoding process. It is made a correlation between these results and the objective function of the SMC. The picture quality is measured by the metric most often used in literature, the PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), which is calculated by the CODEC at the end of a video encoding process. It was found that as the objective function has increased, the CODEC reached a better image quality and a higher video compression.FINEP - Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos