Temer, tremer, decidir sobre a justiça da justiça em constante referência a Kierkegaard e a Derrida
This work deals with the legacy of Søren Kierkegaard and Jacques Derrida. Our search is in the sense of examining possible perspectives of discussion in the thought of these two authors concerning to justice. In this desideratum initially, are analyzed some of the main themes approached by Kierkegaard and Derrida such as, anguish, repetition, instant, decision and faith, and also différance, gift, responsibility and secret, specifically concerning to Derrida’s thought. In parallel to the development of this themes, they are connected in their content and also in the way that they cross themselves. Besides, they admit the contact with reflections of other philosophers like Lévinas, Heidegger, Hegel, Montaigne, Pascal and Rousseau. After the development of this discussions, possibilities are showed as coherent enough in Kierkegaard and Derrida which are really appropriated for approaching a discussion about Justice or, as it is announced in the title, about the justice of justice.Nenhuma