Evidenciação socioambiental: um estudo nas empresas listadas no índice de sustentabilidade empresarial (ISE) da BM&FBOVESPA
The aim of the study was to determine the impact, on the added value to distribute of evidenced variables, according to NBCT 15, by companies classified on the ISE. The survey was conducted with a sample consisting of 75 sustainability reports, of 25 companies which remained on the ISE in the period 2010-2012. The results show that the group of indicators of functional staff shows the highest percentage of attendance to the disclosure of information required by NBC T 15, since these are observed in 62.67% of sample companies’s reports, followed by the group of internal social indicators, with 55.92%, and the group of external social indicators, published in 47.33% of the reports. The group of indicators related to the environment presents the lowest average percentage in terms of adhesion, with rates of 26.67%. With this, the overall adherence level of the sample companies to the indicators of NBC T 15 is 49.6%, revealing weaknesses in the category transparency. In this sense, using regression analysis, with panel data for the fixed effect and random effect model, it was tested the impact of variables "internal social spending," "number of employees", "external social costs" and "Spending on the environment in the value added to be distributed by companies". In the results for the random effect model, it is possible to reject H0,, given the hypothesis H0,1, Thus, the study reveals that higher is the spending on domestic social indicators, higher is the sample organizations’ added value to distribute; For the hypotheses H0,2 e H0,4 , is rejected hypothesis H0 at 5% significance, and, thus, it can be confirmed the H2 and H4 hypotheses of the study, respectively. Thus, the result shows that higher is the level of employees of companies in the sample, as well as higher is the spending on the environment, higher will be the value added to be distributed by them.Nenhuma