Hipertexto: a não-linearidade traça seus caminhos – um estudo sobre a organização hipertextual
Non-linearity has been claimed to be one of the main characteristics of hypertext, in which non-linear sequence may suggest logical or structural imprecision, or even lack of linguistic cohesion. Investigating the hypertext structure in linguistics is fundamental for it to be understood as a text in a perspective of digital utterances and of the reader. This research investigates hypertextual actions and moves that allow the existence of a hypertextual structure to be proposed using as it corpus students compositions with hypertexts. Such hypertextual actions and moves are identified and analyzed in an empiric participative research (WELLS, 2007), from video recordings made in the process of searching for information on the internet in order for a school paper to be done by a group of students from a public school in Novo Hamburgo, Brazil. The theoretical references have an interdisciplinary characteristic to analyze the data by working with the following concepts: hypertext (LANDOW, 1995; 1997); referenciation (MONDADA; DUBOIS, 2003); cultural conception of sense production, built from the daily life (CERTAU, 1994), and expanded via Lemos’ (2001) cyberspacial flaneurie. From the reading in the digital context, this research has identified the hypertextual actions deployed by the users, which engender anaphoric and deictic hypertextual moves, which facilitate the acknowledgment of a structure for the hypertext. The analysis has allowed the verification of the anaphoric and deictic functions as constitutes of referenciation in the hypertext and as responsible for its structure, which fosters the understanding of the digital text as a process of composition constituted by digital language resources.Milton Valente