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dc.contributor.advisorCunha, Maria Isabel da
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Enoi Maria da Luz
dc.description.abstractTeacher training, understood in its multiple possibilities, implies in the recognition of self-formation as investment process of the subject itself, from the moment they become aware of their needs and challenges that can boost your desire for change, transforming it into possibility of self-training. In this sense, the present study aimed to investigate how is the teachers’ process of self-education of the technical and vocational education, taking as reference the space of the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Piauí (IFPI) / Picos Campus. It was invested in understanding the teachers’ pathways, intertwined knowledge and the formation of singularities self-formatives who experienced this type of education. We leverage the contributions of the literature on teaching in Vocational Education and forming citizens who wish to join and to make career in the world of work and, therefore, should competently fulfill the requirements posed by the knowledge society and information. We place as object of study the understand the movements aimed at self-education teaching processes experienced in teaching practice, considering the indissoluble relation between being and doing , as well as the possibilities of overcoming techniques conceptions of teacher indifferent to the needs of personal and contextual processes educational. The research took a qualitative nature , which was based on Abdalla (2006), Contreras (2012), Cunha (1989, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010a, 2010b), Freire (1992, 1996), Gauthier et al (2006), Josso (2002), Nóvoa (1988, 1992, 1995, 1999, 2001), Tardif (2007), among other authors emphasize the importance of teacher training critical and autonomous . Also, used the contributions of Marins and Gomes (2004), Kuenzer (1998, 1999, 2010), Machado (2008), Oliveira (2005, 2010) and other authors for the design of aspects of vocational education. Figured as subjects two teachers in each technical course concurrently / subsequent areas of Administration, Electrical and Computer offered by Campus and at the same time, comprise the permanent faculty of that institution. The production data was accomplished through semi-structured interviews conducted by the researcher. The process of data analysis was performed with the technique of content analysis presented by Bardin (1995) and Minayo (2012). The research showed the enhancement of the teacher’s self-education based on enriching the personal and professional development, considering that this conception of training emphasizes personal investments made on behalf of job satisfaction, without disregarding contextual indicators interfering in the achievement of pedagogical practice. From this perspective, there is the recognition of self-formation included in the itinerary teaching professional , showing up as a formative dimension marked by individuation participatory, which values the willingness to change, motivation, creativity and reflective action in relation to the assessment and reinventing their practices training.en
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.subjectFormação docentept_BR
dc.subjectTeacher’s educationen
dc.titleA autoformação docente no ensino técnico-profissional na interface com a prática pedagógica: significados e potencialidadespt_BR

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