A língua portuguesa na educação especial: problematizando leitura, escrita e mediação
Santanna, Moema Karla Oliveira
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This research proposes to investigate and analyze teaching and learning data of Portuguese Language (LP), by students with Intellectual Disabilities (DI), in a disable-dedicated special institution context, so that one can point out to what extent the mediation / collaboration among experienced pairs contributes to language development. Therefore, reading and writing activities proposed to/by alumnus in LP are discussed. The Corporaconsists of Portuguese Language Study Plans that guide the essay with regard to teaching – learning of this subject. Field-made records, obtained from observation in a LP class, in addition to video-recorded Mother Language (LM) class are considered for analysis too. Vigotsky’s Social-Historical Theory (2007) is taken, mainly with regard to concepts of real-development/progress levels ( NDR) , potential-development (qual dos dois sinônimos – desenvolvimento ou progresso é mais adequado ao estudo) levels (NDP) and zone of proximal development ( ZDP). Also is done, in data analysis, and interface with Kleiman studies about literacy ( 2000,2005) , Street ( 1984) , Tfouni (2006), Rojo ( 2009), among others , in addition to some interaction to Portuguese Language ( LP ) national curricular parameters (Brazilian Ministery of Education and Culture, MEC, 1997), with regard to what is prescribed by disable-dedicated special institution. Also, the research also discusses aspects related to social inclusion from Cultural Studies perspective, so that one can problematize what is understood by disability and by differences in DI, in regular/special education context. The results indicate that disability does not prejudice Portuguese Language (LP) learning and development, in relation to what is proposed, mainly when ZDP is tensioned.Nenhuma