A atuação do educador no programa mais educação em uma escola pública estadual do Rio Grande do Sul
This dissertation aims to discuss which are the tensions and how they are presented and faced by the social educator in his performance, in the context of governmental Program More Education, in a state school in the community of Esteio (RS). The theoretical background of this study is referenced, mainly, in the research on teacher education and in António Nóvoa. The empirical material is made up by official documents of the Program More Education, as well as the Political Pedagogical Project of the researched school and through interviews with educators and workshop coordinators offered by the Program in 2013. Research results show that the tensions in the performance of the social educator are due to, mainly: the absence of a common project in the school encompassing activities of both regular education and Program More Education as a proposal of full-time education; the lack of dialogue among the professionals involved; the lack of moments of joint training and knowledge sharing; the lack of information on the Program; and the competition for teaching-learning spaces between formal and informal education, linked to low salary for the social educator.Nenhuma