Laboratórios de (não)aprendizagem? Uma problematização das práticas de apoio pedagógico
Silveira, Rosemary Kennedy José dos Santos
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This dissertation proposes to investigate how professionals working in Learning Laboratories (LAs) in the municipal network of education in Esteio, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, understand the (non) student learning and which pedagogical support practices are put in operation to regulate this (not) learning. Supported in post-structuralist approach, mainly in the thought of Michel Foucault and his commentators, I select as analytical tools - norm, power and learning - to investigate the practices of support developed in 18 Municipal Centers of Basic Education (CMEBs), by 22 professionals working in LAs of Esteio. The research empirical material was produced in the context of two environments: the first, which I call offline research environment , taking the presencial formation meetings and site visits to areas of LAs; the second, which I call online research environment, taking the synchronous interactions (chats) and asynchronous (email, discussion forums, wall and testimonials) in Eduquito virtual environment and mobile phone app WhatsApp - used by teachers participating this study as local and search tools. I seek in Ethnography inspiration to develop this research, assuming Netnography as a methodological procedure to be adopted for the production of information. In addition, the documents that regulate the LA and the inclusion policy in the municipality of Esteio, also available on the platform: Guidelines of LA, Resolution 10 of the CME, and Political-Pedagogical-Project (PPP) of the Municipal Education and Sports Secretary of Esteio (SMEE) - are used to support the investigation and complement it. It was possible to describe and analyze what I called laudolatria, an apology to the medical report as "a solution, a relief, a facilitator of learning, a certification, a guiding of the service in LA". The support practices guided by the medical reports / diagnostics are what place (not) learning in a discursive order that considers the concepts of learning and not learning as natural, that for not being questioned are assumed to be true and not an invention also built in LAs. This idolatry of the medical reports - the laudolatria - regulates the process of (not) learning and leads the practices of LAs - practices of support (psycho) pedagogical and clinical-therapeutic. At the same time, it was possible to describe and analyze another group of support practices that I am calling ludic-affective, because they use the play and the game as resources to promote an enjoyable learning at the same time as giving centrality to the affective bond and to love and affection when leading the learning process. Thus, I tried to identify and analyze the discourses of psis science which evoke pleasure and affection and make them landmarks for the support practices developed in LAs.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior