Design Thinking: contribuições para a inovação na gestão estratégica em educação
The current study aims to understand and explore the contribution of Design Thinking for the innovation in strategic management in education. Therefore a qualitative survey was conducted, with an exploratory approach, using the case study at an elementary private school in Porto Alegre. The data sources that supported the analysis of this investigation include documentary research and field research, where a seminar was developed and conducted with the professionals involved in the case study and the use of a questionnaire with open questions. The second phase included the direct observation in carrying out benchmarking, where the managers of three educational institutions with innovative management practices were interviewed by means of semi-structured interviews. The data generated in the development of the study were integrally discussed taking into account the context in which the unit of the analysis and the units of observation were inserted, the related environments, the management structure, and the perception of employees and managers on the subject. The findings may point out that through Design Thinking is possible to explore new paths in the management strategic action plan, having the contribution of indicators and interventions that represent alternatives to break with more traditional approaches and change the management process qualitatively.UNISINOS - Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos