A construção do acontecimento jornalístico Geyse Arruda - Uniban: do vídeo no YouTube à biografia
This thesis mainly aims at analyzing the construction of the journalistic event, in times of digital social media’s advance, based on studies about events, criteria for newsworthiness and convergence culture. For this to happen, I assume that the construction of the journalistic event has been reconfigured, from the advance of the use of digital social media by subjects, stressing the linear process of news production (sender – message – receiver). In order to reflect on this assumption, I chose the "Geisy Arruda-Uniban Event", which first circulated on YouTube, on blogs, on Twitter, and was later turned into journalistic event by portals and traditional media. I use a cartographic perspective to allow for mapping the flow of the journalistic event and its aftermath on G1, R7 and Terra portals, to identify the plateaus of this event and the external and internal issues that shape it as journalistic event. I build the map of "Geisy Arruda – Uniban Journalistic Event" from the 960 articles published on the three portals, since the publication of the videos on YouTube, on October 22nd, 2009, until the release of the biography "Dressed to Cause" on November 17th, 2010.Nenhuma