(Re)pensando o material didático de língua inglesa para a EJA em uma perspectiva social inclusiva
The English language teaching, in the classrooms of Maranhão, as has been repeatedly criticized, both teachers as students come over the years to strengthen negative beliefs about teaching this language in our schools. Few are the results related to the teaching of this language which can be identified as successful and whose learning objectives (both provided by the teachers and those desired by students) have been achieved in those schools and in other parts of the country (MOITA LOPES, 1996; BRASIL, 2000; ASSISIS - PETERSON, 2006 and 2008). This work emphasizes the importance of literacy in the teaching practice of teacher of English Language and presents the results of a qualitative action research, which, methodological procedures were based on: Creswell (2010), Flick (2009) and Silverman (2009). One of the objectives of the work was to develop and test activities that promoted literacy in English Language of the participants. It took into account the use of language by students and the contents of discursive genres present in the textbook of the research participants. The data were generated from a literacy project of English Language, developed in the second semester of 2013, in a high school class of adult education in a school in the state of Maranhão. Guided by the Applied Linguistics authors as ( CELANI , 1992; MARTELOTA , 2008; MENEZES , 2009), the literacy ones as ( STREET , 1984, 2012; KLEIMAN , 1995; ROJO , 2009; MAGALHÃES , 2012, SCHLATTER & GARCEZ 2012) and works about discourse genres ( BAZERMAN, 2007; MARCUSCHI, 2008; FARACO, 2009; BRAIT, 2010; BAKHTIN, 2011; BONINI , MEURER & MOTA- ROTH , 2012), the work shows that from the content of an English text book , used in the class has been drawn relations between the literacy practices of students and their daily activities , engaging them in various literacy events and then , when they needed to participate in activities that required the use of written language , in or out of school, consciously they acted through different genres in English and Portuguese . Thus, the results contribute to the weakening of negative beliefs about the English Language teaching in our schools and points to new possibilities in teaching this discipline in public schools of our region.UEMA - Universidade Estadual do Maranhão