Movimentos de apropriação do Ideb na gestão escolar em duas escolas da rede pública estadual em Porto Alegre/RS
This study aims to understand how the management team of two state schools in Porto Alegre makes use of the results of Ideb (Development of Basic Education Index) and how they deal with them on educational management. The methodology used was the qualitative one, collecting data through a structured interview. It presents the IDEB’s results of the two referred schools during the period of years 2009 and 2011, considering three levels of dialogue. The first one “talking with the hierarchy of the educational system”, the second “talking internally: management team, and the third “talking with the school community”. The different appropriation of Ideb are categorized in key dimensions of school management: the pedagogic one, the administrative and the participative. Education of quality is discussed considering the different points of view of management teams as IDB in the actual situation of the educational reality in Brazil measuring teaching quality at public schools. The findings of this study resulted in an instrument as a first trial that can provide inspiration for other researches in the discussion and comprehension of politics in the practice environment (BALL, 1994).Nenhuma