Impacto das políticas sociais de desenvolvimento humano por meio do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF) / Sinop/MT
It is investigating the impacts of the action of social policies in tackling inequality, exclusion and poverty through the Bolsa Family Program (BFP). We propose a reflection of state intervention, given the inability of the subjects, placed in a vulnerable situation to provide their own support. Families at risk and socially vulnerable, unable to meet their needs for access to food, adequate housing, education, lack of employment and income conditions that generate insecurity and lack of social protection. The path in the text proposes an extension of reflection on ways of fighting poverty, seen as a reflection of inequalities, understood the same way as an instrument of injustice, and persistent phenomenon of long duration. To investigate the poverty and inequality as an instrument of social exclusion, refers them to the multifaceted field of its coverage. Thus, locating the debate on social issues will reveal the historical process by which the guidelines were designed by the State, the struggles, conflicts and achievements in the affirmation of rights. It is emphasized that these are conceived in socio-historical process as universal, but are lost before the interests of systemic reform policies. It is worth mentioning, the civil society movement, the constant complaint that the antagonisms engendered the distribution of wealth, built by everyone, but by few. A new socio-political paradigm requires the redistribution of assets in order to provide new opportunities and capabilities that may be offered to individuals by freeing them from the distribution focused/adjusted income.FAPEMAT - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso