Efeitos dos gastos orçamentários municipais sobre o índice FIRJAN de desenvolvimento municipal (IFDM): análise em municípios do estado de Mato Grosso
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Amurim, Elisangela Pires da Silva de
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This thesis aims to identify and analyze the effects of municipal budget expenses on the Index FIRJAN Municipal Development (IFDM), investigating the relationship between budget expenses undertaken in the municipalities, i.e. public spending on education and health, current and capital expenses, real passive and the IFDM for the areas of health and education, taking as universe municipalities of Mato Grosso. It is intended to verify if the municipal budgetary resources are being well used, so that it is reflected in the indices IFDM. Therefore, this study used a non-probability sample consisted of one hundred and thirty municipalities in Mato Grosso State, during the period of four years (2007-2010), totaling 516 observations. To mobilize data, descriptive statistics techniques were applied, non-parametric test of Mann Whitney and Multiple Regression. From the regression results generated, 15 indicators were identified which influence indices for the analyzed areas. For education area 4 variables have positive signs and meaningful, they are: PIB/HAB, RT/HAB, PR/RT and EI/HAB. Show that the higher the gross national product is, the total revenue, the borrowing and spending for early childhood education, the greater will be the IFDM education. For health area, the model shows 1 variables that positively influence the IFDM, they are: PIB/HAB, Shows that the higher the gross national product, global expenses on health, capital and primary care expenses, the greater will be the IFDM health. For health, the model shows a variable that positively influences on IFDM, PIB/HAB, showing that the Gross National Product, the IFDM health will be. So, this dissertation rejects H0 and aims to contribute with the guidance of local public policies.UNEMAT - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso