Terminologia da gestão pública da cultura no Brasil: proposta de glossário
This research paper aims at recognizing the terminology known as political-administrative, with the purpose of suggesting a glossary of federal management culture. This field is understood as a special subject focused on the formulation, implementation and evaluation of cultural public policies in which the Ministry of Culture is in charge of. It is also considered a political area, marked by ideological and social representations resulting from the multifaceted nature of culture. Although it is a complex and important field, its terminology has not been listed yet. In order to accomplish the goal which was mentioned previously, we propose an operational scheme based on theoretical and methodological principles of Communicative Theory of Terminology (TCT), developed by Maria Teresa Cabré (1998-2005); linguistic-textual Terminography, proposed by Krieger and Finatto (2004) and Semiotics of French Line. We have adopted the principle that terms acquire terminological value due to their insertion in specialized texts, which are seen as natural environments of terminology. Through semiotic analysis of the Ministry of Culture program documents, it was possible to deduce not only themes, but ways of organization in the area, which have been used as guiding lines to establish terminological categories. The results of the semiotic analysis have become an important operational resource for the recognition of political and administrative terminology of culture. As a result, we present the repertoire of terms distributed in terminological categories which correspond to the three dimensions of the area: a) political-conceptual dimension, referring to concepts and principles that underlie cultural public policies; b) administrative dimension, which concerns the institutional structure and management mechanisms and c) normativ e dimension, which includes the legal provisions for financing culture. At the end of the paper, we describe theoretical and methodological guidelines of a proposed glossary of federal management culture.IFSUL - Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense