Idealismo e educação: as relações entre a Campanha Nacional de Escolas da Comunidade (CNEC) e o Colégio Santa Luzia de Gravataí/RS, 1968/2007
The study is situated on the field history of educational institutions and has as subject a school located in the district of Morungava, countryside of the city Gravataí. It is the “Santa Luzia School”, founded in 1968 by the community's vicar. The mentioned school, since its foundation, is kept by the “Campanha Nacional de Escolas da Comunidade” (CNEC). Such entity started its work the year of 1943 in Pernambuco, by the (at the time) law school student Felipe Tiago Gomes. The CNEC is characterized for preaching the ideology and the strenght of the community for the good of education. For that, it uses the personal journey of its founder, taking him as an example of self-denial and dedication to the educational cause. During its history, CNEC kept strong relations with the public power, which made possible its consolidation through the years. The apex of the campaign was in the decade of 1970. In this contextt, the study proposed has for objective to understand how the idealistic and communitarian speech disseminated by the sponsor mobilized the community of Morungava in benefit of a collective effort for the permanence of Santa Luzia School through the years. It is intended, yet, to analyze which were the representations produced by such speech and the practices developed by it in the memory of the interviewed. The metodological procedures focus on Oral History, metodology that understands the memory as a document. The narrations produced from the interviews were analyzed in the light of theoreticians such as Maurice Halbwachs, Roger Chartier, Michel de Certeau and Michel Foucault. It was stated that the sponsorship organized and motivated the actions of people involved with the school through conferences, events and publicatons that praised the dids of its founder. It can also be perceived that the speech constituted in the relation of CNEC with its schools, in general, produced a series of moblizations that aimed the permanence of the school. Such mobilitizations, in the end, bestowed an own culture to the institution. Besides, it was observed that, in different moments, Santa Luzia School supplied the lack of vacancies in the schools of the region.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior