Contribuições do Design Thinking para a educação: um estudo em escolas privadas de Porto Alegre/RS
This study aims to discuss the contributions of the strategic design perspective in education, through the Design Thinking approach to support teachers in theplanning of teaching and learning strategies, due the transformations driven by the technology advancement that, in turn, modifies the school environment. For such purpose this research presents a qualitative exploratory approach, which includes literature review - that offers theoretical supportto related topics; complementary quantitative phase through survey research - that sought to verify the private schools’ perceptions on design, innovation and Design Thinking; seminar - performed with private institutions in the level of elementary and secondary education, to present preliminary findings and broaden the discussion about design and education; and a case study investigation with the schools Luterano da Paz and Luterano São Paulo- in order to better understand how Design Thinking could contribute to the educational context of Porto Alegre / RS. As main results it is worth mentioning the design acting as a mediator in the composition of strategies for the exchange and generation of new ideas, as well in the identification and solution of problems, by the time that arouses the school community for collaborative culture that, in turn, is necessary to innovate in education. In addition to this discussion, it is presented a framework of Design Thinking to be utilized in schools, in the identification and solution of internal problems, in an exploratory and creative way.Nenhuma