BSPONP2P: modelo para exploração da computação colaborativa em aplicações BSP para ambientes grades P2P
Technologies are constantly advancing in the areas of distributed systems and parallel computing. This is because the purchase of electronic equipment is accessible, so companies increasingly are betting on cheap solutions for every one to access. Accordingly, there is a problem that the wasteful use of such equipment. Most of these have access to the execution of computation, however, a large part of their time sit idle. In this context, this dissertation proposal presents BSPonP2P model to minimize the problem trying to enjoy this waste for any useful purpose. In the proposed model, a P2P Desktop Grid that seeks to use equipment to perform useful computing competitor among its users and Desktop Grid network users way approach will be used. The BSPonP2P will create an environment with models based on structured and unstructured P2P architecture approaches coming, that will be implemented to streamline the management and communication of information within the network. Another difference that the proposed model will have is the use of Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) parallel programming model, which creates an environment for process execution dependencies validating and improving the communication between them. From reviews of metrics such as memory, computation, data communications equipment and an index called PM is created. This index is periodically valuated to define migration as the environment variable α, which is directly linked to the supersteps’ barriers. Based on the ratings obtained from the distributions of processes in a heterogeneous environment created, BSPonP2P model is demonstrated effective. This is because the model had good results, for example, the simple execution application compared to running the BSPonP2P there was a smaller increase than 4% in execution time. Moreover, the implementation of 26 cases with 2000 supersteps and alpha = 16 yielded a gain of 6% from 24 migration process. Thus, atom scientific contribution opted for the use of networks in P2P Grids with BSP applications using metrics such as memory, computation, communication and data equipment for environmental assessment.Nenhuma