Homossexuais são... : revisitando livros de medicina, psicologia e educação a partir da perspectiva Queer
From the analysis of the contents of medical, psychology and education books published in Brazil, from 1920 to1970, the argument is made that a set of ideas about homosexuality have been set and constituted in medical knowledge articulated pedagogically, in order to manage the specimen categorized as homosexual, which I termed the pedagogy of medical textbooks. This study also argued that this pedagogy still influences the thinking of those who write about homosexuality. However, it was possible to notice in this analysis that a backlash is exercised by other writers, as found in the collections of the libraries there are works that have content that attempt to deconstruct ideas about homosexual transmitted by the medical textbooks. The construction of the thesis that these productions teach how lead with individuals qualified as homosexuals, dictating ways to treat, cure, and position them in straight way through the logic of living sexuality, was based on a set of assumptions registered in 43 medical books having as a perspective The queer theory analysis. It were used the fundamentals of documentary analysis. The research material was categorized and divided into two corpus: corpus 1 - medicine, psychology and education books published from 1928 to 1978 (cataloged from four libraries: three in Porto Alegre / RS and one in San Luis / MA) - and corpus 2 - books about sexuality and sex education (categorized from four school libraries in public high schools in San Luis / MA). The ideas and representations of homosexuality made in these productions go to biological - hygienist, go through psychological ideas to the speeches that focus on the theme from a view qualified as a deconstructionist one, because print a guided discussion based on questioning in the context of the subject by presenting the homosexual as a person who should be respected, valued and perceived as a citizen. The pedagogy of medical textbooks is included in the practice of sex education and all social spaces and their ideas can be seen in books that address the topic of sexuality. This pedagogy still has traces of propositions about the homosexual propagated in the twentieth century, but get other contours and acts according to the needs of the crop. The resistance to this way of seeing homosexual sexuality are also in constant motion and an ability to react to the operations of cultural pedagogy is to confront it, working with methodologies that introduce deconstructionist discourse and made present on the individuals who live homosexual experience.Nenhuma