Embates sobre o webjornalismo brasileiro: censura, controle e resistência na midiatização do jornalismo na internet
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Silva, Carmen Lucia Souza da
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The present thesis examines the affectations of the tensions between social fields on the practice of journalism on the WEB, permeated by logics developed in the mediatization environment. It investigates how these tensions result in conflicts and ruptures, where new forms of control and censorship become visible and utturable on the mediatized web journalism. A complex study that examines the connection between the mechanisms and scope of these tensions and their impact on news production, which emerge from power and resistance relations experienced on the Internet and society. This way, we develop a theoretical reflection based on concepts that guided our investigation, among those concepts we highlight mediatization, circulation, tension between social fields, resistance and power. We also conducted empirical description and analysis, with hybrid methodology, of three news events, mediated in the WEB, and so named, Pleas for free Internet, Double contention and Duel between a politician and a blogger. After watching them and study them in their processes; we inferred that the Brazilian web journalism is wrapped in tensions and confrontations between social fields - in which actions of control, censorship and resistance are perceived -, in relationships that become more and more complex in the face of the increasing society mediatization and the arrival of the technology of power to the Net.Nenhuma