Desenvolvimento de distribuidores através da transferência de conhecimentos e seu impacto no desempenho
This thesis refers to the development of the supply and selling chain channels through the transference of knowledge, by analyzing the impact of manufacturer actions and its repercussions in channel development. Supplier development is considered to be any manufacturer effort with its distributors to improve the selling knowledge and competency, as well as in its operations to contribute to the achievement of the goal supply chain distribution planned by the manufacturer. The pillars of the knowledge transference are performance monitoring and direct manufacturer evolvement with its channels and vice versa. This evolvement generates integration, which is the base of the specific knowledge trade that exists in the manufacturer and which has a direct impact in the distribution activities. The spread knowledge has an impact through the operational and general channel development. The theoretical basis proposed in this model are the same recently used in supply chain development studies. The research of this thesis has been made in the metal mechanic automotive capital goods of Brazil. The survey has been developed from the stratification process within the manufacturer. The theoretical model was tested with multivariate statistical technique and structural equation modeling, in which were tested five different research hypothesis. A relation between the transference of knowledge through monitoring the performance and the direct evolvement of the supplier with its channels, in operational and general channel development, has been suggested by the results of this survey. This study contributes to improve the knowledge about this feature, because it serves as base to manufacturers make investments in initiatives as antecedents related to performance increase in its supply and selling chain channels.Nenhuma