Capacidades organizacionais e operacionais na coprodução de serviços: dimensões antecedentes e efeitos no desempenho de serviços
Service coproduction depends on capabilities that focus on the users interference in the provision, consumption and service performance. Empirical investigations in the production and operations management area aimed at measuring coproduction organizational and operational capabilities are not well developed in the literature. The aim of this paper is to empirically test and investigate the Organizational Capabilities (ORCAPS) and the Operational Capabilities (OPCAPS) for the coproduction of telecommunication services in B2B environments considering their antecedent dimensions and the effects on service performance. The initial instrument consisting of 77 items was submitted to procedures such as item-sorting, content validity and construct validity. Further analysis by IT experts were conducted before the pilot experiment with IT managers from 37 branches of Banco do Brasil S.A. Cronbach’s alpha was adopted as a reliability measure. The pretesting procedures excluded 33 questions from the instrument. For the structuring of the measurement model four constructs were operationalized as ORCAPS (rules and procedures, quality of interaction with suppliers, service strategic planning, and service ability); and four constructs were operationalized as OPCAPS (equipment management, installations management, information security, and staff capacity). The model was tested in a sample of 300 companies, users of telecommunication services (100 headquarters and 200 business units). After testing, the model fit was verified through the structural equations modeling technique and confirmatory factor analysis. The model fit, composite reliability and average variance extracted scores achieved all the recommended cutoff values. Discriminant validity was assessed following the methodology by Fornell and Larcker (1981) and Bagozzi and Phillips (1982). All the constructs were significant (p<0,001) in the assessment of critical ratio suggesting convergent validity of the items. After the validity and reliability tests, the measurement model consisted of 20 valid and reliable items distributed in seven independent variables and one dependent variable. The t test for independent samples revealed significant differences among IT managers from headquarters and business units in two constructs (service strategic planning and equipment safety). The hierarchical linear regression analysis organized in four groups of variables revealed that the proposed model is capable of explaining 23.9% of service performance. Two of the four ORCAP constructs (rules and procedures and quality of interaction with suppliers) were significant (p<0,05) suggesting influence on telecommunication service performance. Additional statistical procedures of multicollinearity and homoscedasticity provided evidence of consistency and normality in the distribution of data.Nenhuma