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dc.contributor.advisorStreck, Danilo Romeu
dc.contributor.authorPerkov, Paulo Lara
dc.description.abstractThe present study had as general objective problematize and analyze the possibility of capoeira as a way of emancipatory education with the youngish of urban peripheries, in a project of capoeira developed at Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Migrantes, situated in Porto Alegre /RS Brazil. The study of field was developed in the period of June 2010 to October of 2011. The central questions of this study are the changes generated by the practice of capoeira on the process of education-learning, in term of corporeity, identity and citizenship for the youngish of the popular classes. Aiming to contemplate this objective three specific objectives were developed: To describe how do we build and fortify the corporeity through the practice of the capoeira; To identify how we build and fortify the cultural identity through the practice of the capoeira; to examine how it is possibly to build and to strength the citizenship in the space of the practice one of capoeira. Three dimensions of capoeira were considered; the purpose of the practice of capoeira, the desire by the practice of capoeira and the results and changes generated by the practice of capoeira. As methodological and theoretical framework of the research, a dialogue was set with authors as Paulo Freire, Santos and Menezes, Stoer, Magalhães and Rodrigues, Brandão, Castro, Junior and Achutti, beyond those that perform in behalf of capoeira in their daily work; they are called Soares, Falcão, Campos among others. Observation in an everyday activity, semi-structured interviews and photographs were the tools used in the research, mostly for developing the narrative. The results of the investigation showed the importance of the work of capoeira in the construction of supportive nets of friendship and cooperation that exceed the limits of capoeira fights and transcend the poor limits of the matter. Giving the opportunity to build and to strength the corporeity, identity and citizenship. Evidencing the importance of the figure of a master or a professor more committed and engaged with the community and a school, that knows and talks with the community in the search of the emancipation of the people in the achievement of being more.en
dc.description.sponsorshipCAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superiorpt_BR
dc.publisherUniversidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinospt_BR
dc.titleCapoeira: possibilidade de educação emancipatória junto a jovens de classes populares?pt_BR

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